What is Our Vision for Gospel Community Groups?

Affectionately called a GCG, we hope for these community groups to reflect the following values:

  • We desire to be a people who actively, joyfully and intentionally participate in community --committed to each other like family.

  • We desire our relationships to be lived out by investing in one another --loving, serving, and caring.

  • We desire to not only build relationships on Sunday morning but throughout the week.  We strive to regularly practice the "one anothers" found in Scripture, so that by the power of the gospel we would love one another as Christ loved us.  (John 13:34-35Acts 2:42-47Romans 15:5-7Ephesians 4:1-71 Thessalonians 2:81 Corinthians 12:12-311 John 1:7Hebrews 10:24-25)

  • We long to grow in the gospel together and serving our larger communities together.

  • Check out a list of our current groups and how to connect with them HERE